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How Digital Video Transcoding Works

Page history last edited by steve rogers 3 years ago

Video transcoding is a method for converting digital content into the analog-to-analog signal. It is used in the video and computer industries. This conversion method is used to make the high-quality digital content of the input source into the same quality as the analog content of the output. The analog-to-analog conversion process transforms the digital signals to the same quality of the analog signals by means of a digital to analog converter. There are various types of digital-to-analog converters available for use in video transcoding, depending on the type of sources that are being converted.


One of the most common forms of video transcoding used by the film industry is the use of the AVI format. Most online video service providers have also started using this format since it is capable of High Definition (HD) video. High definition (HD) video allows more details to be shown, hence, resulting in a better and more vibrant picture. The compression used in the conversion from AVI file to HDTV is therefore of a much higher compression ratio than what is normally found in AVI streaming.


One other form of cloud video transcoding is done through the use of the local network. One can connect his Internet connection to his video capture device through his local computer. The device then sends the captured video file to the transcoding software program which converts the file to a digital form. One then streams the video file to his website through his web browser.


There is also the option of transcoding the video in the online television service. This is accomplished by using the proprietary encoding software available with the service provider. The system is set up so that the live stream of the program is encoded into the software and then sent over the air to the subscribing viewers. The subscription fee is charged to the viewers and no money is paid to the host or the software company. It is therefore an economically viable option for small scale businesses and even individual viewers. Encoded video can also be broadcasted directly to mobile devices through IP or Wi-Fi connections.


Large companies who deal with a lot of data can benefit greatly from cloud video encoding. One way in which they do this is by capturing their videos in different sizes and storing them in different servers. One server can hold many versions of the same video files. When any of the video files changes, the corresponding version can be updated without having to update all the other versions. Therefore, the company is able to provide the same video file to various users without losing any of the quality of the image or the content.


Cloud transcoding uses a variety of methods including the Lossy Encoding method, the Add Layer, the Code Generator and the Data Channel. The lossless encoding method is used when the client PC does not have the necessary hardware or software to perform the transcoding job. Instead, the transcoding is done on a remote server using digital format. This digital format can be compressed or uncompressed depending upon the requirement. On the other hand, the Add Layer technique makes use of the data channel that enables the source video to be decoded into the desired compressed or uncompressed format.


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