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Chiropractors in Overland Park, KS

Page history last edited by steve rogers 1 year, 10 months ago

Located in Overland Park, KS, Dr. Brian Schnitta is a licensed chiropractor. He has 20 years of experience in chiropractic medicine. His practice specializes in auto injuries, whiplash, and work-related injuries. He uses the latest techniques and modalities to treat his patients. In addition, he offers pediatric care and treatment for scoliosis.

Active Family Chiropractic is conveniently located near the Hy-Vee store on 135th Street in Overland Park. The clinic offers comprehensive chiropractic treatment, as well as extended office hours. Its knowledgeable staff and convenient location make it a top choice for many local families. In addition to their convenient location, they also offer a variety of different services, including massages, acupuncture, and physical therapy.

Davidson Family Chiropractic is a chiropractic clinic that focuses on the relationship between body structure and function. They are able to provide treatments for neck and back pain, as well as pain in the shoulder and leg regions. They also treat repetitive stress injuries and sports injuries. They provide gentle hands-on therapy to help patients recover from pain.

Chiropractic care is important for all members of the family. With regular visits to an Overland Park chiropractor, the entire family can enjoy a healthier lifestyle. In particular, a family chiropractor will be able to improve the immune system of children. The body's immune system is very important for overall health, especially in the growing years. Children are especially vulnerable to various conditions and aches.


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